TASK #3 - When This Is Over

Have you seen that episode where Homer freaks out and thinks the world is going to end, then wakes up and assumes it was all a dream?

We’ve already seen how the Covid-19 situation is beginning to change and shape the world we live in. Animals are wandering around empty cities as if they owned them. 

Students are taking classes online, and friends are hanging out through a computer screen. Everyday neighbors come up with new games to play together and playing music for others to hear from their balconies. People are getting very creative coming up with new ways of keeping morale up, which is very appreciated during times like this when you have to stay in with limited resources.

Technology is catching up too, inventing new digital platforms and resources to keep us productive and entertained. From online yoga classes and virtual easter egg hunts to, of course, Netflix, Skype and funny memes, the Internet is coming in pretty handy. I bet your mom and dad can't stop sending you memes that aren't that funny to you... *eye roll* My mom sent me this last night and it's not even that funny. OK, maybe it is a bit funny...


freak out - ponerse como loco
shape - dar forma
wander around - deambular, dar vueltas
own - ser dueño de
hang out - pasar el rato
come up with - inventarse
keep morale up - mantener la moral alta
catch up - ponerse al día
come in handy - resultar útil


Having all of that into account, please, write two paragraphs. In the first paragraph describe what you think the world will look like when this is over. Careful! It's a prediction, nobody knows how the world will be in 10 years, you have no proof, so you have to use the future simple: will/won't. (5 sentences) 

In the second paragraph, write a poem about what you are going to do once lockdown is over and we are finally allowed to go outside, to hug our friends, to go to the cinema, etc. What are you going to do? It doesn't have to rhyme, just follow the example. Start every sentence with "when this is over" to make it look more poetic. Careful! This is a plan you're making for when you finally go out, so you have to use be going to. (5 sentences)


Paragraph 1. 

I think the world will be quite confused when this is over. Animals will be confused too. We will have to guide them back to the homes we made for them, which are much more constricting. They won't like it. I think people will feel extremely happy because we will finally be able to go out and hug each other and laugh and go to the cinema. However, I'm sure we will learn from this experience and will try our best to keep it from happening ever again. 

Paragraph 2. 

When this is over, 
we're going to jump, and dance 
and run around the city.
When this is over, 
my mom is going to visit her mother.
When this is over,
we're going to go to the cinema
and watch that movie 
we've been waiting to watch,
and we're going to take the dog to the beach.
When this is over
they're going to guide 
the animals home.
When this is over
I'm going to hug all my friends.


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