VIDEO: Stubby Squid

Scientists diving off the California coast, near Big Sur, discovered this googly-eyed squid at almost 3,000 feet beneath the surface and they couldn't stop laughing.

He's got weird eyes. It's like some little kid dropped their toy. DO SOMETHING! 
Scientists on the Nautilus team couldn't contain their laughter as they ran into a mysterious creature on a recent expedition in Hawaii. The strange fish was found nearly a mile beneath the surface. 

The team spotted this Stubby Squid off the coast of California at a depth of 900 meters (2,950 feet). The stubby squid (Rossia pacifica) looks like a cross between an octopus and squid, but is more closely related to cuttlefish. This species spends life on the seafloor, activating a sticky mucus jacket and burrowing into the sediment to camouflage, leaving their eyes poking out to spot prey like shrimp and small fish. Rossia pacifica is found in the Northern Pacific from Japan to Southern California, most commonly seen up to 300m deep, but specimens have been collected at 1000m depth.

The discovery had a bunch of people feeling bad for the little googly-eyed creature and flooding the Internet with Stubby Squid memes.


diving off - buceando
googly-eyed - de ojos saltones
squid - calamar
run into - toparse con
depht - profundidad
stubby - rechoncho
cuttlefish - sepia
burrow into - escarbar, cavar
poke out - sobresalir
flood - inundar


1. Who found the stubby squid, and where?
2. What is the stubby squid?
3. Why couldn't the scientists team stop laughing?
4. Where does the creature live? 
5. What does it do to protect itself and look for pray at the same time?

Please, answer the questions in the comment section down below this post. Thank you.


  1. 1- Scientists found the stubby squid on the Californian coast, near Big Sur.
    2- The stubby squid is like a cuttlefish.
    3- The scientists couldn´t stop laughing because it´s got weird eyes.
    4- It lives on the seafloor at a depth of 300m-1000m.
    5- It camouflages to protect itself.

  2. 1- Scientists found the stubby squid off the coast of California.
    2- It is like a cross between an octopus and a squid.
    3- They could not stop laughing because the stubby squied seemed the toy of a little kid.
    4- It lives on the seafloor.
    5- It borrowes itself in the sediment to camouflage.

  3. 1- Scientist found the stubby squid on the Californian coast.
    2- The stubby squid is like a crossbetween an octopus and a squid, but is more closely relatet to cuttlefish.
    3- They coulden´t stop laughing because the stubby squid got weird eyes.
    4- It lives on the seafloor.
    5- It camouflages to protect itsselfs.

  4. 1.- Scientist discovered the stubby squid on the Californian coast.
    2.- The stubby squid is like an octopus and a squid but is more closely related
    to the cuttlefish.
    3.- Because the stubby squid look so funny.
    4.- They live on the seafloor
    5.- They a sticky mucus jacket and they burrow into the sediment to camuflate.


  5. 1- Scientist found the stubby squid on the Californian coast.
    2.- The stubby squid is like an octopus and a squid but is more closely related
    to the cuttlefish.
    3- They could not stop laughing because the stubby squied is so funny.
    4-It lives on the seafloor.
    5-It camouflages to protect itself.


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